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Award Setup

You can see the status of an Advance Request by searching in SAGE Awards tab or the SAGE Advances tab.

SAGE Awards Tab

  1. Log into SAGE
  2. Go to the Awards tab and enter the advance request ID number into the search
  3. Request List Search steps
    1. Ensure “Request ID” option is selected
    2. Enter the ADV request ID
    3. Press the “Enter” key or search icon to trigger the search
    4. Click the ADV from results to see the ADV request in a new tab




SAGE Advances Tab

  1. Log into SAGE
  2. Go to the Advances tab
  3. Enter the ADV request ID in the “Advance Number” field (or search by PI Last Name, Short Title, Sponsor Name, or eGC1 Number) and press the “Search” button

Campus users with view / edit access will be able to see the advance request where the Request Status is “Processed”. Go to the Comments & History section of the advance request to see the Workday award number and grant worktag ID.



GCA uses the SAGE Budget worksheet to populate the Workday award plan. We need the SAGE Budget worksheet total to match the amount on the award document to the penny. For Award Setup Requests, SAGE Budget feeds the award amount automatically to Workday so it needs to be exact!

On the other hand, GCA doesn’t need SAGE Budget to be broken down by person or broken down to the sub-object code level, unless the sub-object code is exempt from F&A.

If you are trying to get your SAGE Budget to match the award amount, please refer to the Guidelines for a Budget Difference Between the SAGE Award Budget and the Sponsor Award job aid for help.